Sunday, May 17, 2020

It has been said that, one man’s terrorist is another...

It has been said that, one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. When examining organizations that make this statement true, it’s hard to ignore Hezbollah. Hezbollah, also known as Hizbullah, or Hizballah, is a Shia Islamic militant group and political party established and residing in Lebanon. Hezbollah, meaning â€Å"Party of God†, was created out of a volatile time in Lebanon. Lebanon in the 1970s was a collection of warring factions within the country. Palestinian guerrillas, Shiite Muslims, right-wing Christian Phalangists and leftist Sunni Muslims fought alongside as well as against each other for control of Lebanons destiny. Syria moved in troops to aid the Christian Phalangists against the Shite Muslims. Israel was†¦show more content†¦While there, they assisted in the formation of Hezbollah, a radical Muslim faction. By 1983, the peacekeeping force made up of U.S., French and Italian armed forces had eased into their duties i n Beirut. Peace did not last for long, as groups allied with Hezbollah, and perhaps Hezbollah itself began attacking American forces. In March 1983, U.S. Marines were fired upon for the first time while patrolling areas near the Beirut airport. A militant Shiite Muslim faction was apparently responsible, though no one explicitly claimed credit. On April 18, 1983, a suicide bomber drove a truck loaded with high explosives into the U.S. embassy in Beirut. The explosion killed 60 people, containing 17 Americans. An organization called â€Å"Islamic Jihad† claimed responsibility. On October 23, 1983, a truck bomb destroyed the U.S. Marine barracks at the Beirut airport, killing 241 American soldiers. At the time, this was the worst terrorist attack the U.S. ever faced. Islamic Jihad once again claimed responsibility. The U.S., through investigations, began suspecting that Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were linked and probably even the same group, with â€Å"Islamic Jihad† b eing a cover name. Both groups were loyal to Iran, were centered in the Baalbeck region of the Bekaa valley, and obtained weaponry from Syria. In addition, the groups had mutual leaders, including a man named Sheikh Hussein Mussawi. On March 31, 1984, the U.S. peacekeeping force was ordered home by President Regan. HeShow MoreRelatedTerrorism, Cia, And South America1062 Words   |  5 PagesTerrorism, CIA, and South America Terrorism. This word has caused more change in the 21st century than any other thought, policy, or idea. This change can not only be seen in the political realm, but in the academic realm as well. Since the attacks on September 11, the study and research of terrorism has grown exponentially. One area of research that is gaining popularity is whether or not the United States itself has participated in acts of terrorism as defined by the CIA. 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